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Cultural Studies and Beyond


Can “the central strand of cultural studies be understood as the study of culture and as the signifying practices of representation”? We have to ask this question. Thus we can find an answer for what the propose of cultural studies is. And we try to find how effective are the research ways and the facts to understand cultures are and the basic knowledge of society is. Barker tries to answer this issue and he mentions ‘generalization’ in cultural studies. ...




Are the Cultures and cultural materials signifying this issue which determines base and superstructure?
In the basic explanation, Culture is totality of the movements’ human activities; we call that some everyday life acts; eating-drinking acts and the fashion... etc. Besides every usage tool constitutes cultural heritage objects. But we have to say that the work of art is a part of culture. Pre-modern age, modern age or post-modern age, all of them have a lot of valuable works of arts. And all of them forms cultural integrity...


Culture, Nature, Animal(ity)


Seeing a citys ugly apperiance starts with exposing its unseen view. When Paris’s boulevards uncovered with bulldozers[1], its exposed that how unpleasant the little streets are. The roads that makes Paris’s gorgeous view had been interrupted by street corners and their fitly smell started to make people unconfortable. This anxiousness is all about exposition between unseen to seen. This demolitions took us to the point of unseen. This effects reaction created a fact that has no comebacks. Paris is naked from now on. ...


Difference and Otherness


I would like to start my article with a narration about two of my own experienced events.Both of them happens at foreign countries inside of the other and different people. And the main point here is, both of these two events are about meeting people from different races for the first time. ...


Subject and/of Love


I would like to start my article with a discussion about a film directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski. The film’s name is “A Short Film About Love”. The film is about obsession, with a storyline that explores the themes of love through an examination of the relationship between a young man Tomek and an older woman Marta that begins when he spies on her sex life through a telescope from his bedroom window across a courtyard to her apartment. Obsessed with her, and growing bolder, the young man invents reasons to make contact until finally he meets her and confesses his conduct and feelings. ...


Benetton’s Colors Theory:

“To be a Commercial or not to be”


...In the Communication History class that i had seen in my undergraduate education, our discussion topics about the photographs were mostly about their ability to represent themselfs including art, fashion and advertisement that non answers the question that what is their purpose? But the main question here should be ‘what is Toscani’s aim?’. There’s hundreds of photographs like the ones that i chose and everyone of them attracts attention to a problem of the world but the main question is, do they really have an aim to  put things right or at least attract attention to some problems or, are there some companies behind all of this which are  only considering about their own profits. ...


“İç Deney”, “Çıplak Hayat” ve Yeni Tür “Bio-politikalar” Eksenli, Devlet ve Cemaat Yapılarının İncelenmesi


...Oysa şu anda yaşananlar, toplumun nevrotik durumlarına gönderme yapmaktadır. Toplumunda biriken gerilimin yanı sıra, ekonomik ve sosyal sorunlar da insanları uç noktalara götürüyor gibi görünmektedir. Artık şiddet içsel nedenlerle ve dışarıdan anlaşılması güç, fakat her zaman her yerde karşımıza çıkmaya hazır bir duruma gelmiştir. Öznesini ve nesnesini kaybetmiş, nedensellikle bağını koparmış bir hale doğru sürüklenmektedir. Post-modern toplum yapıları içerisinden bakıldığında ise, burada dikkat çekilmesi gereken iki olgudan bahsedilebilir; mimetizm krizi ve egemenin şiddet gücünü kendi bedenine indirgeyen bireyin eylemlilik hali. ...


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